GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorrow"

3rd ICBME 2016

"Management Practices for Sustainable Development"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorrow"

3rd ICBME 2016

""Management Practices for Sustainable Development"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorrow"

3rd ICBME 2016

"Management Practices for Sustainable Development"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorrow"

3rd ICBME 2016

"Management Practices for Sustainable Development"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorrow"

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Call for Paper

3rd International Conference on Business Management and Economics (2016)
(3rd ICBME 2016) 
02nd December 2016 @ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Theme: "Management practices for Sustainable Development"

Call for Paper

Global Academic Research Institute (GARI) is proudly organizing 3rd International Conference on Business Management and Economics (3rd ICBME 2016) under the theme of “Management practices for Sustainable Development”. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to participate for the 3rd ICBME 2016, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which will bring together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new researches, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Research papers related to all areas of Banking and finance, Business Ethics & Law, E-commerce, Economics, Human Resources, Management, Marketing, and Tourism (but are not limited to) are invited for the above international conference which is expected to be attended by the authors from all countries. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be included in the conference proceedings CD and proceeding book. The conference will bring together academics, leading researchers, professionals, engineers, practitioners, scholars, and scientists or anyone in the domain of interest from around the world.

Conference Tracks

  • Banking and Finance
  • E-commerce
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • CSR - Co-operate Social Responsibility
  • Estate Management and valuation
  • Accounting
  • Operation Management
  • Business Ethics
  • Economics
  • Management
  • Tourism
  • Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline                   October 08 th 2016.
Notification of Acceptance                        November 01st 2016.
Full paper submission deadline                November 20 th 2016.      

Key Note Speaker

Mr. Malraj B. Kiriella
Director Research & International Relations
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority


Dr. Nalin Abeysekara
Department of Management Studies
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Registration Fees
                                                                Foreigners                  Local
Delegate Early Bird                           $ 260                     LKR 15000
Delegate Student.                             $ 290                     LKR 20000
Virtual Delegate                                $190                      LKR 12000 
Students                                             $190                     LKR15000  

Publication and Process

Publication of full paper submitted following the conference requires the prospective authors to visit the website listing conferences of interest for detail information. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and /or research content / depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Conference Publications collate all materials that are published relating to the conference. The materials include conference's final program and conference proceedings. To include Full papers in proceeding book authors must follow full paper submission guidelines. Conference Full papers include DVD WITHOUT doing review process, but after the conference all the full papers are peer reviewed by Journal Editorial Board. In accordance with Editorial Board recommendations, peer reviewed papers will be published.  Papers that need corrections will be sent to authors for revision, after which the corrected papers will be published in Journals. The journals include:
  • International Journal of Management (Online: ISSN 2424-6433)(Print:ISSN 2424-6425)
  • International Journal of economics (Online: ISSN 2424-6417)(Print:ISSN 2424-6409)
  • International Journal of social science and humanities (Online: ISSN 2424-6492)(Print:ISSN 2424-6484)
  • The Magazine “The Research Executive” – ISSN 2424 – 659x (Online), ISSN 2424 – 6581(Print)
  • Conference web site – Research library page
  • Proceeding Book
