Dr. Nalin Abeysekera
B. Sc Mkt. (Special) (SJP), MCIM(UK), MSLIM, MBA (C’bo), MAAT, Dipin CMA , PhD(C‘bo)
Dr. Nalin Abeysekera is a senior lecturer attached to the Department of Management Studies, Open University of Sri Lanka. Nalin earned degrees in Bsc Marketing from University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka and MBA amd Ph.D. from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He is the author of book titled as Transformational Leadership: A journey to better customer relationship, which was published in 2011. Nalin Abeysekera is a certified trainer for online teaching. He has won three gold medals in his MBA for the performance at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has been named as Best Asian Researcher, Finalist, at Philippine Association of Institutions for Research, Philippine in 2011. He was shortlisted as Best Reviewer by International Journal in Contemporary Management Research (CMR) in 2010. He is a member in CIM (Chartered Institute of Marketing)-UK and Chartered Marketer as well. He has published articles in many international journals.He is a regular writer for many English and Sinhala national newspapers on cricket ,Education, Politics as well as Management and Marketing.
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