Dr.Abhilasha Singh - Key Note
Dean,College of Education
Director,International Office at American University in the Emirates, Dubai.
Title: Talent Management in the Gulf: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor, Dr. Robert C. Schneider - Key Note
Program Director, Sport Management
The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Title: Sport Organization Management Grounded in Utilitarian Moral Theory: Strengthening Organizational Productivity
Dr. Andy Bertsch
Abstract Title: 1) Exploring readiness to change in the downtown area of a booming Midwest city 2)Employee’s Response to Change in a post merger/acquisition
Mrs. Dushanthi Dinusha Lokuge
Abstract Title: Unionism and the Public sector Health Service Organizations in Sri Lanka
Dr S. Hettihewa
Abstract Title: Development Level, Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital and Firm Performance: from a Developed and Emerging Country Perspective
Prof.Dr Chris S Wright
Abstract Title: Development Level, Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital and Firm Performance: from a Developed and Emerging Country Perspective
Branka Marasovic
Abstract Title: Rebalancing an investment portfolio in the presence of transaction costs on the Croatian capital market using Mean-Lower partial risk model
Mr.Arshad Jamaldeen
Abstract Title: Hybrid banking the path to virtual banking in Sri lanka
Prof. Peggy E. Chaudhry
Abstract Title: Security Breaches of Enterprise Information Systems: Literature Review and Research Potential
Prof.Sohail S. Chaudhry
Abstract Title: Security Breaches of Enterprise Information Systems: Literature Review and Research Potential
Dr.Mario Pepur
Abstract Title: Territorial marketing’s contribution to regional development: a study of the Adriatic Region of Croatia
Dr. Bisant Kaur
Abstract Title: Marketing Margins and Market Efficiency for Vegetables in Malaysia
Abstract Title: An exploratory research on the poor participation of women in the hospitality industry in Sri Lanka
Prof. Mirela Mihić
Abstract Title: The influence of selected personal characteristics and brand image on brand proneness and loyalty in the meat processing
Ms. Musliha Ahmed
Abstract Title: Impacts of Guest house businesses on Maldives Tourism
Mr. Shiva Prasad Jaishi
Abstract Title: Hospitality Education in Nepal: Status and Challeges
Mr. Ambudheesh Parasar
Abstract Title: An Analysis of Mortgage Loan Approval with Customer Segmentation
Ms. Anjali Sharma
Abstract Title: An Analysis of Mortgage Loan Approval with Customer Segmentation
Prof.Hsiou-Hsia Tai
Abstract Title: The Management of Taiwan’s Policy for Recruiting International Students
Mr.P. Pratheepkanth
Abstract Title: Development Level, Capital Budgeting, Cost of Capital and Firm Performance: from a Developed and Emerging Country Perspective
Tea Poklepovic
Abstract Title: Moments Extraction from Implied Probability Distribution: Nonstructural Approach
Asso.Prof.Mohammad reza
Abstract Title: The effect of collaborative learning (CL) on academic achievement of e-Learning M.A students in the field of Educational management
Prof. Mirjana Čižmešija
Abstract Title: Confidence Indicators in Forecasting the Probability of Expansion - Evidence from Croatia
Prof. Natasa Erjavec
Abstract Title: Confidence Indicators in Forecasting the Probability of Expansion - Evidence from Croatia
Prof. Josip Arneric
Cross-country dependence between emerging markets in crisis and post-crisis period
Prof. Josip Arneric
Cross-country dependence between emerging markets in crisis and post-crisis period
Mr. Tim Dambrauskas -Malta
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